ライティングチャレンジ 伝統工芸産業は生き残れる?(1) 英検準1級ライティング予想問題




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TOPICDo you think the traditional craftwork industries can survive in modern society? 


・traditional skills


英検®準1級の英作文が25分で書けるテンプレート 伝統工芸産業は生き残れる?



Althogh some people claim that the traditional craftwork industries cannot survive in modern society, but I agree with the idea because of their high quality and benefits to the tourism.

To begin with, the traditional craftwork’s quality is high evaluated all over the world. It takes a huge amount of time and money to create these things, so they are high quality and very atrractive to people who love them.

In addtion, they can have a significant effect on today’s tourism. These days the nunber of people who are very intrested in the traditional craftwork and visit many countries in order to see them is continuing to incqease. As a result, this lead to a more stable development of the traditional craftwork industries.

Takeng the points mentioned above into consideration, it seems likely that the traditional craftwork industries are able to survive in today’s society.

(145 words)


POINTSからqualityとtourism を選んで、伝統工芸産業が生き残れるという立場で書いてくださいました。




Althogh Although some people claim that the traditional craftwork industries cannot survive in modern society, but I agree with the idea because of their high quality and benefits to the tourism.

To begin with, the traditional craftwork’s quality is high highly evaluated all over the world. It takes a huge amount of time and money to create these things, so they are high quality and very atrractive attractive to people who love them.

In addtion addition, they can have a significant effect on today’s tourism. These days the nunber number of people who are very intrested interested in the traditional craftwork and visit many countries in order to see them is continuing to incqease increase. As a result, this lead leads to a more stable development of the traditional craftwork industries.

Takeng Taking the points mentioned above into consideration, it seems likely that the traditional craftwork industries are able to survive in today’s society.


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接続詞は2つ同時に使わない(although, butどちらか)

Introductionの最初が、although ~, but… の形になっていますが、これは間違いです。althoughbutはどちらも接続詞です。接続詞はふたつの文をつなぐ役割なので、althoughかbutのどちらかしか使えません。



Although some people claim that the traditional craftwork industries cannot survive in modern society, I agree with the idea because of their high quality and benefits to the tourism.

〇 Some people claim that the traditional craftwork industries cannot survive in modern society, but I agree with the idea because of their high quality and benefits to the tourism.

〇 Some people claim that the traditional craftwork industries cannot survive in modern society. However, I agree with the idea because of their high quality and benefits to the tourism.


Body1に形容詞と副詞の間違いがありました。動詞 evaluate を説明するのは副詞のhighlyです。形容詞は名詞を修飾するのに使われます。

〇 receive high evaluation (形容詞)

〇 be highly evaluated (副詞)


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